Ignacio Lizán

Ignacio Lizán Mauri

Ignacio Lizán Mauri. Law graduate from the University of Barcelona and Associate Attorney at the Famous Bar Association of Barcelona under the number 26,053. He joined Lizán and associates in 1998.

His leadership and organizational skills, as well as his ease of relating to people and knowledge in Business Law and Human Resources led him to be elected director of LIZÁN ABOGADOS. Under his direction, our firm, without losing its characteristics of proximity to the client, has grown in number of services, quality and, above all, in technological modernity. He has managed to combine the effectiveness of the team of professionals and their respective qualities of life.

His managerial duties are combined with those of the Head of the Department of Business Management and with the specialized practice in Labor Law.

His professional training and specialization has been completed with Masters and postgraduate courses: Master in the School of Legal Practice of the Bar Association of Barcelona, ​​with a Diploma in Tax Law and Labor Law, Labor Management Course, Accounting Course and Economic-Financial Analysis, Master in Labor Law of the ICAB Campus and recognition by the Bar Association of Barcelona of the Specialization in Labor Law, Higher Social Security and Labor Law Course.

Lizán Abogados és una firma constituïda el 1990 que ha desenvolupat la seva experiència professional en l’assessorament i prestació de serveis jurídics, així com en la gestió integral d’empreses.


Condicions de servei

La firma

Treballa amb nosaltres

Suport comptable

Dret mercantil

Gestión de l’ empresa


Barcelona – C/ Balmes, 188, 1º 1ª

08006 – BCN

T. 93 217 51 46 F. 93 667 38 78



Aviso legal

Poítica de privacidad