Laura Lizán

Laura Lizán,

Laura Lizán, member of the Bar Association of Barcelona under the number 35.406, is a lawyer specialized in Commercial Law and Tax Law, having studied at Oxford. She has a degree from Pompeu Fabra University, a Master’s degree in International Business Law from ESADE Business & Law School and a Professional Master in Taxation and Tax Consultancy at the Center for Financial Studies.
Laura Lizán, based on her academic training, has developed her skills and knowledge in Innovation Departments. She is also an expert in Corporate Law and in procedures whose competence is attributed to the Commercial Courts. Likewise, she develops her activity in the field of Tax Law and Tax Advice.

Lizán Abogados és una firma constituïda el 1990 que ha desenvolupat la seva experiència professional en l’assessorament i prestació de serveis jurídics, així com en la gestió integral d’empreses.


Condicions de servei

La firma

Treballa amb nosaltres

Suport comptable

Dret mercantil

Gestión de l’ empresa


Barcelona – C/ Balmes, 188, 1º 1ª

08006 – BCN

T. 93 217 51 46 F. 93 667 38 78

Aviso legal

Poítica de privacidad