Andrés Lizán

Andrés Lizán Mauri,

Andrés Lizán Mauri. A member of the Bar Association of Barcelona under the number 15,037, began his professional activities in 1987 joining several consulting firms, Legal Services and Auditing. In 1990 he founded our firm.
He is licensed by the University of Barcelona. In his beginnings he practiced as a public defender in almost all the procedural fields. In the course of his professional career, he has trained in Accounting, Auditing and Balance Analysis. Specializing mainly in Tax Law conducting countless seminars, postgraduate courses and master’s degrees in the legal field, as well as International Tax Law in the USA, Holding structures, International commercial distribution, Legal advice for companies, International expansion of the company, Negotiation, Non-profit entities, specialization in Administrative Law and its procedures.
He has participated as a speaker in several conferences on Tax Law, has taught business creation courses and Tax Law, collaborated in publications and journalistic articles and formed part of Commissions and Professional Advisory Associations.
In addition to the practice of the Law in different legal-procedural fields (Civil, Administrative, Economic Criminal Law, Social, Constitutional), has been advising and forming part of the administration and government bodies of different Commercial Companies and Non-Profit Entities and is member of the Board of the José Luis López del Amo Foundation, International Center for Documentation and Athletics Research (CIDIDA in Spanish).

Lizán Abogados és una firma constituïda el 1990 que ha desenvolupat la seva experiència professional en l’assessorament i prestació de serveis jurídics, així com en la gestió integral d’empreses.


Condicions de servei

La firma

Treballa amb nosaltres

Suport comptable

Dret mercantil

Gestión de l’ empresa


Barcelona – C/ Balmes, 188, 1º 1ª

08006 – BCN

T. 93 217 51 46 F. 93 667 38 78

Aviso legal

Poítica de privacidad